Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An Image a Day........

Keeps bad spirits at bay!
 Some fun images for today........

Monday, April 23, 2012


More English Than I realized.....

I have just discovered that both my parent's  surnames are English. It is no surprise that both the breeds we are using hail from the U.K.!

From Dorset, where are Horned Dorsets originally hail.........

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sierra and Stubby

This is Sierra taking a snooze on her mother's back. Stubby and Sierra are both full blooded Horned Dorsets.

Sierra is the lamb my mother got to see and name. She is very precious to me...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Dor Galen Sheep

Miracle Lambs

March 2nd, 2012, the evening of my mother's funeral, we returned home to find Mild Thing in labor with twins.  My hubby discovered her in the barn and had me take a look.  The lambs head was large and there were no forefeet presenting under his chin. I washed her off, lubed and gloved up, but I couldn't feel his forelegs. "Oh, no! Mom! ", I prayed.  Hubby and I were desperate.  " Go get Hilary.....
She has smaller hands." This was my mother's voice I heard, so I immediately got Hilary, our youngest daughter who had been with us the last 24 hours of Mom's life. She and Chris, her significant other, had attended the funeral and driven back with us after my mother's burial.  

Hilary and Chris came out to the barn and we briefly explained what was going on. The lamb had both forelegs tucked underneath him. She lubed and gloved up. She looked  directly into my grief stricken eyes and said, " Don't worry, Mom. I'm getting this lamb for you. I won't let him die the day you buried Grandma!" She told me she prayed to her Grandma while she was trying to get the lambs forelegs. She also turned to Chris to get new gloves and yelled, "Glove me! I'm going in!"

Our daughter worked for 45 minutes as we turned Mild Thing on her side to deliver that lamb. She kept suctioning the lamb to make sure his airway was clear. Hilary got him!!!!!!! She named him Charlie after my mother's oldest brother.

 Charlie also had a twin sister Hilary named Ruthie after my mom and her grandma. She was delivered by Jacquie and Tim , our shepherd friends , after they arrived.

So there you have the story of our "miracle lambs"..........Hilary made us promise they would never be sold or slaughtered and we had no problem promising her their safe keeping!

In Memoriam

My mother, Ruth Agnes Turner, aged 84, passed away on our farm February 27th, 2012. She came here on February 6th, 2012. She got to see and name our first Horned Dorset ewe lamb, Sierra, who was born February 16th......

I miss her so much and I will love her always......

I am thankful for the hospice team who helped with her care and comfort her last three weeks of life. I could not have done it without their support and the support of my dear husband.....

A link .......thank you, Michael for your concern and care.