Monday, August 9, 2010

Something Old is Something New for the Farm!

Our "new" sickle bar mower is our first purchase in haying equipment for the farm. We need a way to cut our own pasture without relying on farm neighbors to do the job. In the past few years we have not had our pasture cut at optimum nutritional value for the sheep. We do not believe in putting herbicides on the pasture because we do not want our sheep ingesting these chemicals and when one buys hay it is difficult to know what has been sprayed on the pasture before harvest. In 2006, we bought our hay, and an invasive herb came into our pasture.
   Take a close look at the wheels......solid iron!  One of our egg customers noted we didn't have to worry about "flat tires"!!!!!This model was built here in the U.S.A. circa 1910.....about the same year our farm house was built.  This is "ground driven" and has been adapted to be pulled by a small tractor, although one could use horses to pull it if necessary.
   We need a rake and a baler plus a small tractor, but we are imminently pleased  these items can be purchased for less then we had anticipated and are ideal for managing a small farm.

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